(distilled from student e-mails)
I’m not feeling very well.
I’ve been feeling ill all day.
I am feeling very ill. I’m feeling
rotten today after a long feverish night
with little sleep. I have some problems with depression.
I have been sick with some horrible bug
for the last four days. I came down with the flu Sunday,
and haven't been feeling okay all week. I woke up
with a migraine this morning, and it's not getting any
so I’m breaking out the big guns – Zomig. I’ve been
feeling sick
for most of the weekend and woke up today with terrible
back pain (old age you see)
and a sore, swollen throat. I hit my head really hard at
practice yesterday.
I now need to wait for the rash on my face to go away.
I’ve got a dentist’s appointment this morning in Beaverton.
I was unable to attend class today due to a case of
head lice, which I spent the day curing myself of.
I got COVID at a concert last week, and am still
I inadvertently drank rotten milk last night and woke up
not feeling great. I suspect I ingested some chemicals
my shift at the ceramics studio, or maybe still need to recuperate
from a persistent cold
I can't entirely seem to shake off. Either way, I’m sick.
It’s been a rough morning.
Editor(s): Quill L., Rajeshwari T.
Photo Credits: Unsplash