in dreams i stand
barefoot, soul bearing
bear the brief bittersweet
baring teeth, bare
back against the earth
bear its weight on my back –
(it’s) heaving, spitting
(i’m) drowning, living
the sun rises
it burns, i’ve
been burnt before but never burned like this:
body bare, barely breathing
my chest stings
i brace myself
watch the earth as
(it) catches, blazes
(we’re) dying, fading
in dreams i take my
first breath, last summer
take what is barely mine
bear the rest
the earth retches as i
sleep in
run down cracked concrete
the sky is always pretty
bathed in burnt orange-red
bleeding bare
there is rest when i want it
peace when i need it
and the sky is always pretty.
you leave me be
you come back to me
i never let go
i never have to.
in the end it’s just
the heartbreak of another summer
come only to pass
bearing the bodies of the burning,
but if the sky is always pretty
this passing (earth’s. ours.)
wouldn’t be all that remarkable
Author's Note: I wrote this piece in the height of summer, with the seemingly never-ending sun beating down. I thought of how I’m growing up, how this is likely my last summer here with the people I love, how this summer feels like the end-all be-all to life so far. Thus the end-of-the-world references and doomsday scenarios. Still, there’s a sense that it couldn’t end any other way. After all, if things were different — nicer, prettier in a sense — the end wouldn’t be this remarkable.
Editors: Emily X., Nadine R., Anoushka K., Joyce S.
Photo Credits: Unsplash